
Wednesday, March 09, 2005

What Else?

Over on the Newsarama boards, posters have been discussing their favorite Elseworld and What If? stories. Some of the more common choices are Kingdom Come and Superman: Red Son. While I, of course, love Kingdom Come a whole bunch (Mark Waid and Alex Ross, it'd be damn hard to screw up with talent like that), my favorite's probably The Golden Age. It was a great look at the lesser-known Golden Age heroes, and unlike Kingdom Come and Marvels, where our view into the insular world of superheroes comes from outsider-civilians like Norman McKay and Phil Sheldon, The Golden Age's perspective-provider is John Chambers. Flash fans may remember him from Mark Waid's run on the book. But that's just my silly pick for best out-of-continuity tale. Share your own! Spread the love. Make the babies.


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