The Week at the Curve
"Counting Down to Another Countdown"
a look back on the week of March 20th at TGC
by Brian Warmoth
Let it be known that this was the week I finally started caring about OMAC (not that I didn't find ricKey's post from back in February incredibly enlightening); though lame un-original logos and titles who re-hash stale concepts continue to keep my eyes rolling when I look in the direction of DC. This is an odd campaign of red herring promotion DC has done to get folks buzzing about Countdown to Infinite Crisis. The inside looks attractive, and for a buck, I can't see why anyone would want to miss it--just so long as I don't get to the comic book shop on Wednesday and it's instead a book titled Crisis of Infinite Identities, Identity Wars, Countdown to Infinite War, Funeral for an Identity, or something else of the like. I'm sure they would all would be smashing successes. But yeah; I think back to a response from the first Countdown post on here bout the overload comics fans have been experiencing what with the event on Avengers, Identity Crisis, the whole War Games thing, and whatnot. I'd think it would be a much better business plan to nail a stoopifyingly good mini to the mast and let your hero universe sale with it for awhile scooping up readership on other titles instead of hitting us in the back of the head with yet another crisis of infinite ramification.
Meanwhile, on a purely positive note, the new TGC Forum is sailing along just fine. Stop on by and speak your mind should you take a notion.
The other big topic of the week that caught my eye (just as soon as I wrested it from the big coffin) was the ongoing war of words update on Gaiman v. McFarlane. For Crisis sakes, tell the frikking truth and give up, someone, because one of you is obviously not right, and I'd like to see the new Miracle Man project before I'm old and cataracted.
Also, check out, TJ's rundown of announcements made at WizardWorld LA, including an upcoming Thor Sentry series that I know we've all been wishing upon our stars for.
As a display of recognition, I've decided I'll be giving out a prize of mention within the column here each week to my favorite post response or thread. I have nothing monetarily or materially to offer otherwise beyond my appreciation; but remind me some night at a bar, and I'll buy you a drink (sorry, domestic taps and specials only). Imagine a drumroll now. I'm going to announce it...
My favorite response on a thread this week had to be Ben Morse on Lea's coffin post: "Green Arrow seems interested as it in Wonder Woman or Superman? Knowing that wacky liberal, it's probably both..."
Though it unfairly characterizes and generalizes an American political faction with whom I'm all too sympathetic, this line had me coughing up flem-filled laughs for several minutes. So I salute you.
And that's the way it is this week, Curve Cadets. Happy Easter, and I'll see you here next week after Illinois beats Louisville.
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