The Week at the Curve
As TGC continued to spread its proverbial wings this last week - adding new talent and endeavoring to bring you, the audience a well mixed blog of comics news reading - we encountered without a doubt our most controversial post yet. And then we talked about it. And then we talked about it some more. And then a little more. In the end, I think the conclusion has been reached that yes, Kevin Smith has not been the most prolific comics writer of the last couple years; but no, it has nothing to do with his weight. And though this gave us all something to talk about, I must say it was nice to see things ease back into the norms of a Curve week.
The Stan Lee saga continued, though I personally had to miss the show due to my father's 56th birthday. I'm sure Lee understands. Hey, I mean he is sitting on top of a hefty chunk of movie profits now. I'm sure it's not on the top of his list of things to worry about right now.
We also got to see a great TGC exclusive chat with Larry Young. If you're not up on the goings on at AiT/Planet Lar, I highly recommend acquainting yourself.
Lea put up a great piece contemplating this thing we call manga in the wacky downward spiraling competition between local comics stores and the big guns booksellers like B&N. These are the insights that I think are really making TGC work.
Finally, my reason to be excited this week: Warren Ellis. Maybe I'm just prone to overhyping the guy in my head out of habit, I think we're going to see some great things coming this year.
And that, Curve cadets, is the way it was in the TGC world this week. See ya next week; and watch the fat jokes.
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