
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

This Day in Blogging History

Some comic bloggers have been at this gig awhile. Kevin Melrose is one of the more veteran bloggers with his must-read Thought Balloons. In an effort to have some fun, I decided to go check out what Kevin was commenting on, around this time last year. Imagine my surprise when it turns out Kevin had linked to an SBC interview that Jason Brice, Markisan Naso and I did with Mark Millar. It was to be "his last online interview until January 2005" or so we at SBC hyped it as. (I'm really not sure how long it was before Millar gave another interview, but he definitely did one before this month.)

I vividly remember getting caught up with the interview, given its unique nature (last online interview and all that) and the lively and popular interview subject. In part two of the interview, I was clearly so giddy with being part of the piece, I totally missed the following disturbing (and admittedly made in jest by Millar) answer, which fortunately Kevin Melrose quoted, a year ago today:

In Part 2 of SBC's epic interview, Mark Miller gets to the disturbing core of the Joe Quesada-Bill Jemas relationship:"If Joe provided the ovum for New Marvel then Bill certainly pumped in the semen and fertilized the egg. There are some new faces on the business end now providing completely different semen which, of course, will produce a completely different... Actually, could we just change the subject for a minute?"

Let me make a promise right now. I will decline to participate in any interview from this point forward, no matter how exclusive, when the conversation turns to a comic book publisher and his semen (metaphorical or not)...until January 2006...maybe.


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