
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Goodies from the Fantastic Four Flick

Thanks to Superhero Hype for the links (their original article is linked in the title above)...

Personally, I'm looking forward to this movie. Yes, it could very easily be a disaster and no, I don't normally dig the "comic books brought to life" craze, but this is one of my favorite comic properties and I can't help but feel some small bit of fanboyishness as the release date draws closer.

I've got my fingers crossed for this one to be a smash. If it isn't... well, at least Jessica Alba is sure to look good in the spandex. Hey, it's my excuse for the Sin City flick too - if it blows, fine, at least Jessica Alba is sure to look good in the chaps. Lesson of the day? Jessica Alba makes just about anything tolerable.

What was I talking about again? Oh right. Fanboy Glee. Make with the clicky on those links.


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