
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Oeming signal

A good man for a good cause, Michael Avon Oeming is auctioning off a Powers cover to benefit the unbelievably huge number of victims of the earthquake/tsunami/typhoon cataclysm happening over in southeast Asia. Even if you've already given, consider doing it again with the benefit of maybe winning a nice piece of art. Bendis says he'll also give a prize to the highest bidder.

Be aware that all bids are also donations, so whether or not you win, by bidding you agree to donate to this worthy cause. Go to Brian Michael Bendis' messageboard on his website,, and check out the threads about the cover. If you can't bid in the auction, send a personal message to the Bendis board user Goodman, and he'll place your bid.

It's good to see the whole world rushing to help in the midst of this awful natural disaster.


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