Wizard World Philadelphia: Day Two roundup
Marvel led off Day Two of Wizard World Philadelphia with the announcement that Greg Land will be the artist on October's Ultimate Power miniseries.
The nine-issue series, in which Ultimate and Supreme Power universes meet, is written by Brian Michael Bendis, Jeph Loeb and J. Michael Straczynski.
During the "Cup o' Joe" session, Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada reconfirmed Wednesday's announcement that artist Ed McGuinness has signed an exclusive agreement with Marvel. Quesada also said that the Brian K. Vaughan-Marcos Martin Dr. Strange miniseries will launch in October.
At the "DCU: One Year Greater" panel, DC Executive Editor Dan DiDio unveiled the cover to Justice Society of America #1, an homage to the classic All-Star Squadron #1. He also confirmed the rumored Omega Men six-issue miniseries, by Anderson Gabrych and Henry Flint, and mentioned there are plans to expand the All-Star line.
And as if James Robinson's return to comics with Batman and Detective Comics weren't enough to get the hopes up of Jack Knight fans, DiDio mentioned that he's spoken with the writer about the future of Starman, but there's nothing definite.
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Related: Wizard World Philadelphia: Day One roundup
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