Let's get Marvel Boy
Jeff Parker, creator of the upcoming "pulp" Marvel mini, Agents of Axis, could use some help finding Marvel Boy:
Do YOU have an impressive Golden Age collection that includes old Timely/Atlas issues of ASTONISHING (featuring Marvel Boy) or MARVEL BOY (featuring Marvel Boy)? What I'm getting at is that we- and by "we", I mean cover artist Tomm Coker- need 600 dpi scans of any good cover images from the original appearances of Marvel Boy to incorporate into an issue of AGENTS OF ATLAS. If the comics are beat up, that doesn't necessarily rule them out. If you think you or someone you know can help, click the Channel Parker link in the bottom of my sidebar and let me know soon. We'll get Spider-Man to visit your house or something!
Jeff can be reached via his website, Parkerspace.
Thanks for the help, JK-- I'm afraid we're not running in the same circles as the guys who have those collections! I'm going to delve into the Golden Age fandom in particular and see what shakes loose.
Good idea .. good luck with it!
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