CAPE Crusader: Free Comic Book Day report from Dallas
I ventured out this morning to Zeus Comics' second annual CAPE event -- Comics and Pop Culture Expo. Even though it was overcast this morning after a night of rain, the crowd still turned out for the outdoor event to pick up free comics, chat with all the comic pros and go through the dozens of boxes of 25-cent comics Zeus was selling.
Based on the fact that I had to park a lot further away than I did for last year's event, I'm guessing they had a pretty good increase in attendance this year. They also had a lot more staff out for the event, helping people find parking and pointing out where to find the pros. Like last year, Fanboy Radio was there MCing the event, and several comic-related organizations, like Friends of Lulu, The Hero Foundry and Prism Comics, gave out information, accepted donations, sold their products and, in the case of FOL, signed people up for their empowerment fund raffle.
And then there were the pros. No question, one of the biggest draws was Ultimates artist Bryan Hitch:
who had the second-longest line of the day:
The first longest line was actually the one to buy anything inside of Zeus Comics. In fact, between the Free Comic Book Day bookshelf, where I patiently stood in line behind several kids waiting to get my hands on the Free Scott Pilgrim book, to the check-out line that snaked through the entire store, it made it really difficult to shop at Zeus. Which begs the question: so why was the line to buy stuff so long? That would be because of the 25-cent comic boxes out front:
I didn't really have time to go through them as thoroughly as I would have liked, but hey -- they kept people busy while I looked for autographs and chatted with some of the pros:It was a pleasure to meet former The Great Curve contributor Lea Hernandez face-to-face; she was working on "I'm Hurting Comics" buttons while we talked, and I mentioned that post still brings in a lot of hits for the site. We also talked about my T-shirt.
He tried to take my Free Scott Pilgrim comic, so I gave him a headbutt and a spinbuster, following by a moonsault off the top of the CAPE tent. Then I went home and read some free comics, because hey, that's what the day is all about!
I really enjoy reading your blog. If i were you i would go to and submit this blog and let thousands of others see it for free. well , i look forward to all the updates. thanks again.
Wow, you win for First CAPE Post! I think you even beat the Simone board. :-)
Great photos too.
Zeus Comics.
It was awesome meeting you, too! CAPE was absolutely fantastic.
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