
Saturday, May 06, 2006

20 Questions For You All For the 5/3 Comic Week

I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...

1. If you could get a refund on only ONE DC or Marvel book that came out in the past year, which book would it be, and why?

2. Can you come up with a rational explanation for the Hill/Cap confrontation going down like it did in Civil War #1?

3. What's the over/under (in months) on how long it takes before Superboy Prime is used again?

4. That last two-page spread of the heroes in IC #7 - are those all the heroes left not killed by Superboy Prime?

5. Speaking of that spread, was Joe Bennett given, like, a half hour to draw that?

6. STILL speaking of that spread, what do you think, does Mister Miracle's absence mean anything?

7. Anyway we can retcon Geoff Johns' run on Flash? It's already too late to retcon Orca out, but we still have time to retcon Johns' Flash!!!

8. Did ANYTHING happen in Civil War #1 that wasn't already told to us in solicitations, previews and interviews? ANYthing? Maybe that kid's mom...

9. Do you think the crabs in Mouse Guard #2 were sent by the bad guys?

10. Liberality For All #1 is available again this week! How many copies did you buy?!?!

11. Am I the only one freaked out by the back-to-back issues of Doc Samson with awesome Zeb Wells/Frank Espinoza back-ups in them?!?

12. If you read Strange Girl #9, what do you think of the new Fear Agent artist?

13. Do you think the Sentry should still be around, or do you think his story should have ended with the original mini-series?

14. Who else was astonished to see that Rucka's Supergirl was actually WORSE than Loeb's?!?!

15. These heralds in Annihilation: Silver Surfer - have they all appeared before this issue? Because I only recognized about half of them, and I'm pretty sure I've been paying attention.


16. What would your pseudonym be if you wanted to work for another comic company but didn't want the one you were working at to know about it?

17. Who's killed more people - Superboy Prime or Scourge?

18. Does John Stewart still remember him screwing up and that planet being destroyed?

19. Does the deaths of minor characters make a comic seem more significant to you?

20. Bronze Tiger and Black Canary - who wins in a fight (no powers)?


At 5/06/2006 03:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Refund - House of M! *snore*

At 5/08/2006 08:47:00 AM, Blogger Craig said...

1. I second House of M. I didn't even buy it and I want a refund.

2. Made sense to me. They move forward through a fair amount of time in that ish, plenty of time for things to come to a boil. Hill's been butting heads with everyone since Fury's departure. It was a total "you're either in with us on this or against us" moment (and no way in hell was Cap goin with them). Besides, would you rather 3 pages of Cap and Hill arguing or a Bendis-esque 3 issues of talking heads of that crap before it came to a head?

8. Cap surfing a fighter jet?

9. Definitly evil crabs. (that sounds vaguely dirty)

10. Yknow, i STILL can't quite tell if Liberality For All is insane satire or just plain insane.

13. Nobody seems interested in writing an interesting Sentry story so... yeh, we could do without him.

16. Pseudonym? Tonto McTavish

19. Only if I had a particular (and usually inexplicable) attatchment to said character.

At 5/08/2006 10:16:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. House of M. the first five issues, anyway. I didn't buy any after that.

2. "Hill is a bitch?" Well, that's probably Bendis' explanation. Actually, I thought that scene worked, myself.

3. One year. And did you notice how the final scene was EXACTLY like the end of Godfall?

4. Fuck if I know. In three years half of them will come back anyway.

5. Indubitably, old chum!


8. The kid's mom. And that's it.

11. No, they were pretty freaky and awesome. Mark Paniccia, will you marry me?

12. Well, I saw Opena's art in the FCBD Image book and.... I don't think I'll be picking it up in issue form.

14. I'm not.

15. Yes, believe it or not. I wouldn't recommend seeking out said first appearances, though.

16. Mark Waid.

17. Geoff Johns.

19. Yes.

20. Bronze Tiger.

At 5/08/2006 11:36:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I would get a refund on the final issue of the "Winter Soldier" saga in Captain America. It was obviously a mistake. That issue was supposed to reveal that the Winter Soldier was a creation of the cosmic cube, and that Bucky has not been kept alive all these years through Russian cybernetics. Frickin' Marvel...
2. Nope. But I can't come up with a rational explanation for anything nowadays.
3. 5 - They'll use him somewhere in "52," but maybe give us some time to miss him.
4. Nah, just some of them.
5. I think he did it in the carpool on his way to the office.
6. Nope, since it's not a complete gathering, but just a smattering of the remaining heroes.
7. If I could retcon at will, that's not even in my top five...
8. I agree with a previous poster--I did NOT see the jet surfing coming.
9-12. No clue.
13. The Sentry should've stayed gone. Nothing they've done with him since has made any sense to me. They should've at least killed him off at the end of his recent mini. Or sent him to space like Quasar.
14-15. No clue.
16. Packy Rogers
17. Scourge, but he's more than one person, so it doesn't count. (Seriously, though, just read any post-scourge handbooks, and half the villains in there were killed by Scourge!)
18. Nope, you can't have one of the rare minority heroes hamstrung like that! There are too few powerful ones, as is.
19. That was one of the most laughable things about IC--did anyone important actually die? But they sure as heck killed a lot of minors characters in passing, without even a mention. I would've laughed if they'd included any of the new heroes created during "Millennium", "Invasion", the "Planet DC" Annuals or "Bloodlines." Creating a crossover just to kill crappy characters created in a crossover...well, that'd be funny! har har

At 5/08/2006 11:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops, meant to say Bronze Tiger in that last one. I didn't even think he HAD powers. In Suicide Squad, they repeatedly called him the greatest martial artist ever, so I figured he was one of those naturals. :)

At 5/14/2006 03:13:00 AM, Blogger Brian Cronin said...

Oh, he is. I meant Canary couldn't use her powers.


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