Olympic Comic book fever -- catch it!

I knew I could find a connection between comic books and the Winter Olympics if I just looked hard enough.
The convenient link comes in the form of Little Lost Robot, the blog of a South Carolina news photographer who's in Torino, Italy, covering the events for an NBC affiliate. His behind-the-scenes insights into the madness that is endless live shots and the celebrity of speedskater Apolo Ohno are really funny.
But like any comics fan worth his salt, "LL" squeezes in a moment to stop by a local comic book shop:
Does anyone else think "LL" bears more than a passing resemblance to comics blogger Kevin "BeaucoupKevin" Church? Maybe it's the glasses.We've been swamped in work, especially with all the pre-Olympics press conferences. But between our various adventures around the city, I found time to feed one of my favorite addictions: comic books.
Back in the states (which seems odd now that I said that), I usually take my reporter on a detour, so I can pick up my weekly stack of comics. So, today we had about an hour between stories (which is rare), and I made our driver take me to the comic book shop - which had a cool sounding name that I can't remember, nor pronounce.
Here's on of my favorites that I bought. It makes the Fantastic Four seem even more fantastic!
Also, a few blocks away there was a toy store, so I ran in there real quick to see if they hadn any tin robots. I had a hard time explaining it to the old lady at the counter, so I found myself actually walking and talking like a robot and making weird Kraftwerk beeping noises until she finally exclaimed, "Robo!" And I'm all, "Yeah! Yeah! Robo!" And then she glumly said "No" and sunk back into her chair, thus ending a spirited game of charades.
If he stank more of bourbon and failture, then he'd be like me.
PS> Failure. Maybe I am drunk. In the middle of the day. Shut up.
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