20 Questions For You All For the 2/8 Comic Week
I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...
1. What do you think the Crossgen creators who were "settled up" upon receiving checks between $13 and $20 should use their new-found wealth? A dinner for two at McDonald's or, as someone suggested, FedExing a box of dog crap to Mark Alessi's new $800,000 home?
2. Anyone else gratified to see the same artist who draws the Teen Titans Go comic book drawing the latest issue of Teen Titans, where a bunch of Titans are slaughtered?
3. If you've read Robin and Teen Titans - what exactly is Superboy supposed to LOOK like after the other Superboy beat the crap out of him? Which title is the accurate one?
4. I like consistency and all, but (as a friend mentioned) how weird is it that Lan Medina is aping Patrick Zircher aping Mark Brooks on Cable/Deadpool #25? Brooks left the book, like, two years ago, and artists are STILL aping the guy!!
5. How do you think Robbie Morrison managed to get through writing the end bit of Wildcats: Nemesis #6, where the Wildcats all tell Nemesis how wrong they've been, and how they should have trusted her all along?
6. If you didn't, WHY didn't you buy Tales Designed to Thrizzle #2?
7. This week saw ship Supergirl #4 and Supergirl #4 Variant Cover. The former had a code of OCT050235, while the latter had a code of SEP058103. How exactly does a variant cover get solicited FIRST?
8. Do you want the couple if Chris Ware's Building Stories serial in the New York Times Magazine to get back together?
9. Did you have a problem with Josh's death in Morrison's Doom Patrol?
10. Anyone here actually LIKE the Salem's Seven?
11. How would you rank the following Hellblazer writers : Delano, Ennis, Jenkins, Azzarello and Carey?
12. Do you think that maybe Michael Turner just lives in a world without mirrors, so he does not know what the human anatomy looks like?
13. What philosopher do you most want to be featured in Action Philosophers?
14. I was reading Jeremiah Harm #1, and it occured to me, how many books is Keith Giffen working on at once? It seems like about a dozen.
15. Can you name a more "niche-y" comic book than Marvel Legacy: The 1960s Handbook, whose conceit is that it is an Official Guide to the Marvel Universe IF such a guide was written on the last day of 1969, so only events prior to that would be reflected. I do not think you can thread the needle any closer than that....or CAN you?
16. Who is your least favorite Jack Kirby creation?
17. Who is your favorite New God?
18. Rocket Racer or Stegron: Who's lamer?
19. Aquaman or Green Arrow: Who's lamer?
20. Is Thor intelligent?
6. If you didn't, WHY didn't you buy Tales Designed to Thrizzle #2?
Because I didn't get any comics yet this week and won't be able to get any till next Friday at least. The buzz on this has me interested though.
10. Anyone here actually LIKE the Salem's Seven?
When I was a kid I thought they were cool. Now, not so much.
11. How would you rank the following Hellblazer writers : Delano, Ennis, Jenkins, Azzarello and Carey?
Ennis, Azzarello, Carey, Delano, Jenkins
15. Probably, narrow that down to Dr. Strange and it would probably only be bought by Neilalien.
16. Who is your least favorite Jack Kirby creation?
Machine Man
17. Who is your favorite New God?
Mister Miracle
18. Rocket Racer or Stegron: Who's lamer?
Stegron, as Rocket Racer isn't a knock off of the Lizard.
19. Aquaman or Green Arrow: Who's lamer?
Green Arrow, though they both have their moments.
20. Is Thor intelligent?
Sometimes. He's one of those guys that's intelligent, but doesn't use his intelligence that well because often his emotions get the better of him. Which if you think about it makes him pretty human for a god. A lot of mythological gods were more human than humans in that regard.
9. I'm a big Morrison fan, but he did very little interesting with Josh. Other than building a relationship with Dorothy in a couple issues, Josh was most interesting when he became Chief fodder.
6. If you didn't, WHY didn't you buy Tales Designed to Thrizzle #2?
The title alone would do it.
9. Did you have a problem with Josh's death in Morrison's Doom Patrol?
Yes, I did... but you know that already! Forget about the waste of wasting Josh; the Chief had no motive. Simple shock value from Morrison to show, hey the Chief's not that nice at all, is he?
13. What philosopher do you most want to be featured in Action Philosophers?
Heraclitus, the original inventor of quantum theory.
16. Who is your least favorite Jack Kirby creation?
That's a REALLY tough one. I'm gonna have to go with "Stan Lee".
19. Aquaman or Green Arrow: Who's lamer?
Ridiculous question. Green Arrow.
1. That second option.
2. Certainly weird. I prefer TTG Nauck to Regular Nauck. His teenagers all look like encephalitic midgets.
4. Zircher was aping Mark Brooks? He always draws like that! Seriously, though, get a different inker for Medina. That looks really bad.
7. How does Jeph Loeb keep Wizard in his pocket?
8. Yes.
10. No.
11. Exactly how you just ranked them.
12. I think he likes anorexic chicks.
14. Too many. Expect one of Giffen's creator owned projects to slide off the schedule soon.
15. No. I bought the thing and I hated it.
16. Those things he farmed out to Topps in the early 90s, but some good comics came out of that. Probably the Forever People. Or if you wanna get mean, Star Wars.
17. Himon!
18. Stegron. No, rocket Racer. DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!!
19. Pre-Meltzer, Aquaman. Post-Meltzer, Green Arrow.
20. Does the pope shit in the woods?
1. They could use it to buy the complete collection of "Forge" or those other CrossGen collections that seem to be in plentiful supply at every used book store on Earth.
2. Teen Titans slaughtered, Teen Titans slaughtered ... where have I seen that before? That whole book was deja vu. The best part, though, was the explanation for the Doom Patrol and un-retconing away John Byrne's work on the book. Hey, one of you writers should go check the Byrne boards to see if he has responded to that "personal insult" yet. I'm sure he'll have somethingt o say about how they messed up "his" characters and made his work inconsequential ... never mind that he made 40 years of Doom Patrol history inconsequential. Where's Fanboy Rampage when you need it? Get me that Graeme guy on the Batphone!
3. Didn't read Robin. So did it give us the same story from a THIRD angle? All of DC's books over the past few months seem to be a retelling of Infinite Crisis from a different perspective ... which kind of suggests you can stop buying all the other titles, at least for a few months. I wish I'd figured that out before buying the last few issues of Flash ...
4. I'm surprised this book has made it to issue 25.
5. Sounds kind of after-school special to me. Or like those end bits on GI Joe ... "Now we know. And knowing is half the battle!"
6. Hey, what if I did? Don't I get a question?
7. Welcome to 1995 all over again.
8. Sure. It is Valentine's Week, after all.
9. Who was Josh again? The street?
10. The chick with the snakes for arms is hot, in a retillian fetish kind of way. She can slither around me all night long, if you know what I'm saying and I think you do.
11. I liked Azz's run a lot, probably the best of those listed. Then Ennis, Delano, Gaiman, Ellis, Carey and Jenkins.
12. I guess that means he could throw stones then.
13. Pauley Shore
14. At least that many. But three of them -- Defenders, ICBINTJL and Hero Squared -- are all the same book; reality heroes meet their alternate reality counterparts, and conflict and witty banter occurs. Is someone in a rut?
15. Once upon a time I heard they were going to do a comic about the comic that one of the characters in Watchmen was reading. Would that qualify?
16. I'm not big on the Eternals.
17. I'm not really big on them either, unless Darkseid counts.
18. Is the sky or the ocean bluer? Both look pretty damn blue to me.
19. Aquaman.
20. When the right writer is on the title, yes ... Simonson's Thor was pretty clever and somewhat cunning. A lot of writers try to make him brainless, mistaking him for Hercules ...
5. I dropped Nemesis because it made my eyes bleed, so I have no clue on the discussion you mentioned.
9. Ignite my memory, who was Josh again?
11. Delano>Ellis>Jenkins>Carey>Azarello
16. Black Racer; Death on skies with a medieval knights helmet, painted in primary colours.. right.
17. Mr. Miracle, though if inhabitants of Apokalips count: Kanto.
18. Stegron is not lame!
20. Depends on the writer.
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