Spider-Man's New Costume
In their weekly email newsletter today, Marvel introduced a new look for an old favorite, as they gave a preview of Spider-Man's new "Iron Spider" look. Joe Quesada designed the new suit.
After the shocking events in "The Other" storyline, Peter recieves this new costume to help him adjust to his newest developments, as well as giving him some added muscle!
Newest developments? Added muscle? Living in Stark Tower has its advantages, it seems. Or does it ...?
Every "gift" has its cost, and this new look for Spidey will signal the beginnings of change, especially as it comes on the eve of the upcoming Civil War. Spider-Man has developed a growing trust and friendship with Iron Man, but how much in debt is Peter’s loyalty to Tony Stark going to cost him in the long run? If the color scheme is any indication, well... Joe Quesada says, "I imagined Tony presenting Peter with the new suit and Peter putting it on and saying that it looks great but that his colors are red and blue. Tony would simply respond, ‘My design, my colors!’"
Read more about the new suit over at Marvel.com. It debuts in Amazing Spider-Man #529.
So what do you think about the new suit?
Umm.. it's fugly. Boy, if there's any character still wearing his original duds who just plain doesn't need a redesign, it's Spider-Man.
Although, everyone can safely assume this is a short-lived costume change that will have no lasting ramifications. So, no harm, no foul, I guess.
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I haven't read a new Spider-man comic in probably 15 years.
This new costume doesn't raise my interest level.
BTW, I just wanted to say that you guys have really been clicking over the past two or three days - lots of great posts. Thanks!
It looks great... for a faceless mook in a COBRA-style organisation.
They've turned Spidey into a ninja from the Foot Clan, and oh, what a surprise, it ties into a crossover.
Time for another sabbatical from comics...
In the words of the guy in Invasion of the Pod People, immortalized by MST3k:
"It stinks."
Thanks walaka!
Yeah, I agree with Hunt. Since its probably temporary, I'm not gonna get in a big huff about it. Besides, it's not like I've been reading these crappy Spidey comics for the last 15 years.
Poor Matt Craig. I'm beginning to think they're doing this to him on purpose.
That costume is FUBAR.
I’m going to go way out on a limb here, and state that the driving reason for this costume is the marketing angle. That is to say:
“Hey Guys! look at all the new Spidey-related merchandise we can foist on fandom because all of the Spider-Geeks will just have to have the new Spidey toys.”
I recall this was the story as to why it was changed for Secret Wars II. Yep, according to the story at the time, Jim Shooter as pitching to whoever was making the action figures. The toy company was going to take a pass, when Shooter was reported to have said, “Well, then you’ll miss out on Spidey’s new costume.”
The rep almost wet himself and signed on the dotted line without seeing the new costume. Shooter returned to Marvel and said, “Someone needs to design a new Spidey costume, as I’ve just sold it."
I’m guessing pretty much the same thing happened here (hey you all heard that Kenner outbid Toy Biz for Marvel’s next line of action figures. To which all I can say is, “Suckers!”
Oh yeah, adding insult to injury, did anyone besides me notice the typo in the Marvel.com “Iron Spidey” article?
Don’t guess, it is in Paragraph #2, “recieves” which we all know should be spelled receives because the rule is:
Eye B4 EEE, Xcept after Sea
Oh well. Spelling, as the great equalizer.
Poor Matt Craig. I'm beginning to think they're doing this to him on purpose.
I'm all right, man. I have my Euro-Spidey bande desineée ariving in the post next week. A real Spidey in a real costume.
Bien sur.
HUGE!!!! Spider-Man fan here!!!
not that MO matters but the design isn't totaly bad but it would work better in the ultimate storyline
1. Spidey's young and still in awe of the other hero's which explains why he would even WEAR the costume, even to try it on.
2.He always damaging his costume more now!, Cause he's a NOOB!!!
& 3.The color scheme makes it easier to swallow the Iron man reference jokes as Spidey's mistaken as Iron man,or Spidey trying to cash in on Iron man's popularity, or Spidey being iron mans "SIDEKICK!"(shouted in echo in Bruce Campbell's voice:Sky high reference)
the new costume idea is cool but like Superman who won't stay DEAD!unfortunatly (IMO) then spidey's costume won't stay LAME!!!!!!
I ps'ed the cover to Amazing 523 to reflect this supposed new costume, and I don't think it looks too bad, honestly.
There's the URL, if anyone cares.
Iconic = STALE = BAD
Change = Verisimilitude, Evolution, Growth = GOOD
Yeah I dont mind the costume itself but the colors are horrible. Really seems wrong to make him all "hi-tech."
Aw, I don't think it looks too bad. I think its safe to assume that we will be seeing Spidey back in his classic after the Civil war, but you never know.
I think the main problem with the picture they've shown us is that it makes him look gay. No offense meant to any gay people here, but it really isn't stylish. The art I mean. Maybe a better artist could be a saving grace...?
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say...quit griping. This is Marvel we're talking about. They aren't gonna up and get rid of the Classic costume. This is gonna last for probably most of Civil war, and then we'll see spidey back to normal, you know why? ICON. Spidey is an icon. making a lasting change to him is like cutting the ears off of a certain mouse. its nothing to quit reading comics over.
I'm all for change, and thought that Spidey needed an upgrade in power. But the suit looks like the Beetle or the Hornet or something from the New Warriors. Would Marvel please stop screwing around!
New costume, old idea. It's all about the marketing.
If I was Peter I'd wait til my good buddy Tony was out of his Iron Man suit and then beat the living bejesus outta him for making me wear such a crappy outfit.
I think that it is about time for Spiderman to get a new costume. I mean how long has he had the old one, like 50 years? And this new costume has so many special features on it. I used to think that Spiderman was kind of a weak superhero, but now I can't wait to find out what this new costume can do.
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