20 Questions For You All For Christmas
I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...
1. What's the coolest comic-related present you've received for Christmas?
2. What's the coolest comic-related present you've GIVEN for Christmas?
3. Do you think Santa Claus got his reindeer from the High Evolutionary?
4. What do you think is the best Christmas comic book cover ever?
5. How many comics can you think of that have done the ol' "Criminal on the run, but only to visit a loved one for the Holidays, and the hero helps the criminal work something out"?
6. Anyone have any idea why there is a Namor vs. Daredevil story in Marvel's first Holiday Special (from 1974)?
7. What the heck kind of ornament is Nick Fury putting on this tree on this cover?!!?
8. Do you think everyone at Marvel knew that the Thing did not celebrate Christmas during the 70s and 80s?
9. Anyone remember Marvel's 1976 Holiday Grab-Bag? In it, Roger Stern crafted a tale of modern-day Marvel holiday celebrations while managing to segue to the various classic stories they chose to reprint. What is the best framing story that you can recall reading in a comic?
10. Can you imagine the current Batman ever singing carols with the Gotham police department like in the classic "The Silent Night of the Batman"?
11. Heck, can you imagine a story in 2005 about everyone taking the night off from crime to give Batman a break?
12. In 1946, when Billy Batson and Captain Marvel exchanged gifts for each other, Captain Marvel gave Billy a loud necktie and Billy gave Captain Marvel a tiddlywinks set, as the two knew what the other secretly wanted. What would they give each other in 2005?
13. In DC's 1975 Christmas Special, Superman asked the reader a question that I now pose to you folks: In what country do the children make an outdoor Christmas Tree of wheat sheaves for the birds?
14. In the same special, Lex Luthor spoke out on Christmas, "I hate Christmas because every year some clown in my organization of criminals sends me a hairpiece! One year they sent me paste-on sideburns, too! I hate the whole idea so much that I could pull my hair out...if I had any!" Do you think Luthor would show Alexander Luthor this quote to dissuade him from wanting to return the DC Universe to the way it was pre-Crisis?
15. In the 1992 Marvel Holiday Special, we learn that Santa Claus is a mutant. Do you think he lost his powers after House of M?
16. Who would win in a fight? Wendigo or the Abominable Snowman from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?
17. Jewish characters wearing Santa hats? Lame or not lame?
18. Do you think Superman still does his "Answering letters on Christmas" thing?
19. Who would win in a snowball fight? The Fantastic Four or the Avengers (Avengers being made up of Yellowjacket, Beast, Wasp, Captain America, Vision and Scarlet Witch)?
20. Do you get this following rebus from the latest Teen Titans Go? + L +
1. Marvel Universe 96 hardcover.
2. Hmmm, Something involving Elektra, I believe.
3. Yes.
4. Daredevil #253, with the Kingpin clutching DD's mask. Ann Nocenti Christmas issues were always disturbing.
5. Too, too many.
7. Probably one of those spy satellites for the 60 billionth "Nick Fury's secretive but he means well" story.
8. No, probably not.
14. I think he should show him the current output of the DC writers. "This is what they want, and this is how they're getting there! Does it make sense?"
15. I thought Deadpool killed Santa Claus. Well, someone should do that story. Preferably Ann Nocenti.
16. Abonimable is like twice the Wendigo's size, man! Abby all the way!
17. Is the writer Catholic? Then lame.
18. Are You Dense? Are You Retarded? Who the Hell Do You Think He Is? He's the Goddman Superman. Of COURSE he answers the letters.
19. Avengers!
20. No.
Could #6 have coincided with when they wanted to do a Daredevil television show in the '70s? It would make sense to shove Daredevil into everything you could if there was a TV show in the offing.
Perhaps, Tom!
But to be honest, pretty much 3/4th of all the stories they chose for those Marvel Holiday Specials were weird ones...hehe.
Which is why I think they created a new story for the 1976 one where Roger Stern came up with segues into the stories, to give SOME rhyme and reason to the stories being included (like someone saying, "Hey, Vision, remember when you first showed up?" and then a reprint of Vision's first appearance).
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