
Monday, October 31, 2005

Sulu Comes Out of the Closet

The Associated Press has reported that George Takei, Star Trek's Sulu, has revealed that he is gay.


At 10/31/2005 10:26:00 AM, Blogger rjsodaro said...

As someone else pointed out, the better part of America somehow feels that Takei being gay (and having a nearly two decade monogamous same-sex relationship) is somehow more newsworthy, and less desirable than Britney Spears 48-hour (second?) marriage to someone of the opposite sex.

On some level I’m somewhat baffled about this.

At 10/31/2005 09:12:00 PM, Blogger Alex Segura said...

Actually, I would argue that Britney's first foray into marriage got a fair share more press than this news.


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