Smallville Catch Up
We had a local convention a couple of weekends ago and it wreaked havoc with my TV watching. Especially Smallville. I went out and set up for the convention on a Thursday night and missed the second episode. I was curiously unaffected, but that may just have been pre-convention excitement reorganizing my priorities. Or it may have been that Smallville was being promoted as a "Clark and Lana Finally Do It" episode and I didn't give a bug's fart. Especially after the After School Special episode they ran last season about the dangers of pre-marital sex. So it was Wrong for Clark to get busy with the chick that we all knew wouldn't last more than three episodes, but it's Okay now because it's Lana? Pffft. I'm no prude, but at least be freakin' consistent.
So, I shrugged and pretended I didn't care that I'd missed it until a friend told me that she'd taped it, at which point I jumped up and yelled, "Give it here!" So much for principle; it was apparently an instance of calling the grapes sour because I didn't think I could have any.
I should've expected this, but it turned out to be only tangentially about Clark and Lana's Doing It. The rest of the episode was pretty dull with a goofy electro-villain and some creepy "wonder twins." Although the revelation of who was behind it and what that did to Clark and Lex's friendship was interesting. Looked like they're finally becoming enemies.
I love how great a liar Lex is. I've liked Lex since the pilot episode and have always tried to give him the benefit of the doubt -- even knowing what he'll eventually become. Whenever he's told Clark, "Believe me, I didn't know anything about that," I tended to believe him. Except in this episode we clearly saw that he did know about what was going on just before he told Clark that he didn't. If I hadn't seen with my own eyes that he did, I would've believed him again. Maybe it's just that Clark's such a lousy liar with those dramatic, stammering pauses before his denials, that I often wonder how anyone believes him, and by comparison, I find it refreshing that Lex can deliver a convincing falsehood.
My folks are visiting right now and were around for the third episode. My dad, seeing Clark and Lana in bed together, wondered aloud what Superman's kid would be like. Good question. Not something I expect they'll cover in the show, but Lois and Clark have been talking that way some in Greg Rucka's Adventures of Superman.
Speaking of the comics, I'm nervous that Chloe will be the person whom Jor El predicted would die (in the upcoming 100th episode, according to TV Guide). I don't have a good reason to think that, other than the fact that she hasn't made an appearance in comics yet and her dying on the show would explain why not. Another reasonable guess I've heard is Jonathan Kent. He's still alive in current comics continuity, but didn't fare so well in either the old George Reeves TV show or the Christopher Reeve movies that Smallville loves to homage.
Between those two guesses, I hope it's Pa Kent. John Schneider is way cool, but I've become very fond of Chloe. Who I wish it would be though, is Lana. Boring, predicatable, whiney Lana.
And speaking of Lana, anything else I might add about this episode is gonna sound like a thirteen year old girl. "I can't believe Clark's not going to tell Lana about his powers. He so should!" *smacks gum*
After watching this week's episode, I've decided that this season is going to rule so much. It got off to a shaky start, but it's in full swing now and (according to the spoilers I've been reading) is only going to get better. Unless they kill Chloe, in which case it'll suck.
Aquaman was cool as hell, even with the surfer lingo. He's comfortable with his powers and his mission and that was refreshing to see on this show. Clark's world view has been confined to his friends and family up to this point. This was a good kick in the pants towards getting him to broaden his perspective and see what he's capable of. And Aquaman's suggesting that he and Clark form the "Junior Lifeguards Association" was priceless.
Seeing Lex embrace his role as villain is heart-breaking, but we all knew it was coming. Michael Rosenbaum is the Lex Luthor actor to beat. I can't believe it, but I'm nervous that Kevin Freakin' Spacey (whom I love) won't measure up.
I agree with you about Lana's suckitude. The character's written horribly and the actress ain't helping. Chloe shines all the time, Lois is farkin' hot, and Aquaman was kinda lame. I thought the "Junior Lifeguarding Association" line was awful. Jeph Loeb should be slapped. What? Loeb doesn't work on the show anymore? I still say we slap him,
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