20 Questions For You All for 10/19
I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...
1. Why is Dawn Raven using tattered rags as her costume when she had a normal, cool, costume, in Justice League Elite?
2. How weird is it that Bob Harras is actually using Justice League Elite plotlines in JLA?
3. Noticing Bill Willingham use nepotistic continuity in his latest issue of Robin (as he has the Shadowpact, from his Day of Vengeance comic, show up to help Robin), what is the quickest use of nepotistic continuity that you can recall in a writer's run on a title? Not counting Claremont (as he generally uses nepotistic continuity right away, like with his Uncanny X-Men run, where he had some obscure villains from his Fantastic Four run show up in his first Uncanny issue)!!
4. Do you feel that "waiting for the trade" is hurting comics? Why or why not?
5. Anyone else creeped out when Pat Lee tries to draw a human?
6. Will anyone ever address the fact that the Stormwatch member, Cannon, was apparently killed in Stormwatch #50?
7. Am I the only person who cares that Cannon was apparently killed in Stormwatch #50?
8. Do you think Warren Ellis even knew that he apparently killed Cannon off in Stormwatch #50?
9. Do you think the current Runaways plot is as simple as it seems? I'd like it to be as simple as it seems.
10. Do you think Ed Benes just has a disorder, where he simply MUST draw a woman in a state of undress in every comic he draws?
11. Would you like to see Barbara Gordon become a costumed vigilante again (presumably as Batwoman)?
12. Did it irk you when Bendix turned out to be bad in Stormwatch?
13. Would you have even really cared if it WAS Captain Atom who was Monarch?
14. Have you ever read a more convoluted tale than the Extreme Justice issues where they tried to say that Captain Atom WAS Monarch?
15. Why did Captain Atom get a new costume by entering the Wildstorm Universe?
16. Should Billy Batson age?
17. Rasputin was a mutant: Good idea or Bad idea?
18. Who was your favorite Suicide Squad member?
19. Should Etrigan speak in rhyme?
20. Do you think Jughead should have a girlfriend?
15. Why did Captain Atom get a new costume by entering the Wildstorm Universe?
A function of the multiverse, I assume. That's the costume he gets in a universe where heroes activities have made the populace afraid of them (Kingdome Come and Wildstorm).
16. Should Billy Batson age?
Billy should age normally -- until he turns into Captain Marvel. Turning back into Billy should 're-set' at the age he was when he orginally met the wizard. This is a strong motivation for Billy to become Captain Marvel only when absolutely necessary, as doing so prevents him from aging.
It's a sensible way for Shazam to have set it up to maintain Marvel's childlike innocence ... and a MAJOR problem for Billy.
19. Should Etrigan speak in rhyme?
Rhyme is a fairly lowbrow poetical mechanism and unless the native language of Hell is English, the idea is idiotic. Etrigan is ridiculous enough as it is without forcing him into non-stop rap.
1. Think of it like her weekend clothes. She's home from work - no need for the power suit - jeans and a t-shirt or tattered rags.
2. Considering the DCU right now? Not very.
3. Didn't Gail Simone use Black Adam and Dr. Psycho in Action Comics?
4. Nope. We can't buy everything every week and there are enough stories that are better read in one sitting. Or you only join in midway through a story arc and you're lost. Tell more stories in a single issue and more people will buy single issues.
5. Who is Pat Lee? he he he.
6 - 9. N/A
10. It's sort of like voyeurism isn't it?
11. Blue Beetle.
12 - 14. N/A
15. Because the other one needed to be retrofitted into continuity???
16. No Cpt. Marvel should keep the kid's intelligence level kind of like the smart Hulk.
17. Meh. Rasputin is WAY too overused as an explination. He's almost the new zombie or nanobot.
18. never read it.
19. Only if they want less people to read the book.
20. Yes, Robin.
1. Tattered rags are the new black.
2. Not as weird as finding old candy bars in the hidden biosphere under your deserted island, but pretty friggin' weird nonetheless.
3. Having Mork appear on Happy Days. Those episodes were just a complete mess.
4. From what I can tell, Marvel still makes money off the sale of a trade. It's like asking if DVD sales have hurt movie ticket sales ... yes, but do the studios care? Not if they can make more money in the long run because people just NEED to own Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I'd never pay to see that in theaters, being a manly man and all, but the fact that I can walk out of Target with my very own copy in an unmarked brown paper bag is what this country is all about. God bless America.
5. I'm a little creeped out by these questions.
6. Who?
7. Apparently. Let it go, man.
8. He probably laughed while doing it.
9. Dunno ... I'm waiting for the trade.
10. I hear it helps with sales.
11. What the world needs now is love, not another character with "Bat" in their name.
12. I'm not wild about his Avengers stuff, but I still dig Powers.
13. The fact that they killed a great character in Hawk really irked me, esp. when they replaced him with a British chick drawn by Liefield. Salt in wounds ...
14. I'm laughing my ass off at the thought of someone actually reading "Extreme Justice."
15. I think the bigger question is who thought giving Captain Atom his own book again was a good idea.
16. Weren't the Wonder Twins in Extreme Justice? Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
17. There are two many mutants. I wish Marvel would do something about that.
18. The big mean bitch who was constantly on PMS and wore a headband. She turned out to be a Lashina. What was her name?
19. Yes. BTW, if you read this post backwards, it rhymes.
20. Oh, Ziggy, will you ever win?
18. Deadshot. Anyone who says a character besides Deadshot is lying. Or kooky.
1. I guess because it was a funeral scene?
2. I dunno, JLE was a pretty good book.
3. Priest uses nepotistic continuity all the time. Hell, he did a Black Panther arc that tied into a Thor Fill-in- fill-in! he wrote 15 years previous.
4. No, or more accurate, I don't give a fuck that I hurt comics or not. I don't owe comics anything, besides what the Deppys and Ellises and Dorkins and Riches and Lemons and Butchers of the world would like Joe Fanboy to think.
5. I'm more creeped out by Joe Quesada hinting that MJ and Peter will break up last week.
6. Wha?
7. Who?
8. Which?
10. Yes.
11. Not with the current DC editorial regime in place.
12. No, because Ellis did it naturally, I thought. That was back when he didn't think his audience were total morons.
13. No, probably not.
15. Because if they used the Ross design from Kingdom Come Ross would draw a cover for them?
16. Depends on the writer.
18. Ostrander Squad: The Wall. Giffen Squad: Killer Frost.
19. No
20. "Big Ethel Killed Moose to get Jughead's attention? Brian Michael Bendis has done it again!"
1. Why is Dawn Raven using tattered rags as her costume when she had a normal, cool, costume, in Justice League Elite?
She saves that one for formal occasions, maybe?
2. How weird is it that Bob Harras is actually using Justice League Elite plotlines in JLA?
Not weird at all. He's efficient.
3. Noticing Bill Willingham use nepotistic continuity in his latest issue of Robin (as he has the Shadowpact, from his Day of Vengeance comic, show up to help Robin), what is the quickest use of nepotistic continuity that you can recall in a writer's run on a title? Not counting Claremont (as he generally uses nepotistic continuity right away, like with his Uncanny X-Men run, where he had some obscure villains from his Fantastic Four run show up in his first Uncanny issue)!!
THE SENTRY mini-series, maybe? That is, I loved it, but didn't it use continuity right away that it created on the spot?
4. Do you feel that "waiting for the trade" is hurting comics? Why or why not?
No, I don't. It's compressing individual pamphlet sales, yes, but that just argues for a new business model. The trades push for solid, beginning-middle-end stories as well as marketshare in bookstores.
5. Anyone else creeped out when Pat Lee tries to draw a human?
6. Will anyone ever address the fact that the Stormwatch member, Cannon, was apparently killed in Stormwatch #50?
Didn't you just?
7. Am I the only person who cares that Cannon was apparently killed in Stormwatch #50?
Er...whom? "Cannon?" Huh?
8. Do you think Warren Ellis even knew that he apparently killed Cannon off in Stormwatch #50?
Probably. W's a bright boy. (No, not that Dubya.)
9. Do you think the current Runaways plot is as simple as it seems? I'd like it to be as simple as it seems.
It might be. What a twist that would be!!
10. Do you think Ed Benes just has a disorder, where he simply MUST draw a woman in a state of undress in every comic he draws?
No, unless his disorder is a fetish for paychecks.
11. Would you like to see Barbara Gordon become a costumed vigilante again (presumably as Batwoman)?
I'm torn. She, if anyone, deserves a happy ending (since even Bats recovered from a broken back!), but I love Oracle. Can she do both??
12. Did it irk you when Bendix turned out to be bad in Stormwatch?
13. Would you have even really cared if it WAS Captain Atom who was Monarch?
14. Have you ever read a more convoluted tale than the Extreme Justice issues where they tried to say that Captain Atom WAS Monarch?
Maybe not, but I would have had to read Extreme Justice to be certain in the first place.
15. Why did Captain Atom get a new costume by entering the Wildstorm Universe?
Two words: Jim Lee.
16. Should Billy Batson age?
No. If anyone shouldn't it's him. (Besides, how much of his life has he actually spent in non-Captain Marvel mode? If he ages, it's like in leap years!)
17. Rasputin was a mutant: Good idea or Bad idea?
Sounds good and interesting to me.
18. Who was your favorite Suicide Squad member?
Er...what? "Suicide Squad?" Huh?
19. Should Etrigan speak in rhyme?
Yeah, he should. Makes him less generic.
20. Do you think Jughead should have a girlfriend?
Naw, just friends with benefits, methinks.
1. It's supposed to be that way, it's the new "pre-torn" look. It's "edgy," or "street," or a combination of the two, which I call "stredgy."
2. How weird is it that Bob Harras is still writing comics? Ending up as Marvel's EIC I can understand - just a clear case of failing upwards - but this is what, failing down and sideways?
4. I think writing for the trade is hurting comics - as well as producing for the trade (cramming floppies full of ads, not caring if they're put out on time, rushing the trades, mandating a 4- or 6-issue arc, etc.) because the expectation game that's being played right now has a lot to do with single issue sales, which are in the toilet and are being killed by the mentality that it's all going to end up in a TPB anyway. If there's a sea change in the way mainstream American comics handle their business - making floppies cheaper and more accessable, or shifting to just a more trade-based approach and making THEM easier to find - I can see this changing, but for now the two seem to be eating each other.
5. His humans do look kinda soggy - like corn flakes that've been left in milk too long.
6. Which one was Stormwatch #50?
9. I really hope so. It'd be pretty lame if Vaughan pulled the "shock twist" anybody reading the first two pages is expecting here.
11. In my ideal DC universe, Bruce Wayne is the only "Bat" anything, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, and neither of them is stepping on each other's toes.
13. Only to the extent that Captain Atom has always been a potentially interesting character, in theory if rarely in practice, and wasting him on a story like "Armageddon 2001" would've been lame.
15. It's the New Number One effect.
16. I was gonna say no, then I was gonna say yes, then I read Scipio's answer and decided I liked that better than anything I would've said.
17. Retconning history is stupid. Maybe Hitler was a mutant - that's why he was all evil 'n' shit!
18. Captain Boomerang: I can't resist a villain who's basically just a smug and unrepentant asshole. Deadshot, by contrast, kind of bored me - the "grizzled badass" archetype was incredibly played-out even back then. I admit I wanted him and Catman to both get eaten by Parademon by the end of Villains United.
19. Dear god, no. Someone should TRY to make Etrigan creepy, and speaking in doggerel just makes him goofy.
1. Because she's
2. Not that wierd. They were in the Busiek arc, and that's just two stories ago.
3. While I love him anyway, Peter David is clearly guilty of nepotistic continuity. Take Spider-Man 2099, where PAD pulled the New Universe Justice (whom David worked on) into 2099, along with a mysterious villain eventually revealed to be Rick Jones. Naturally, the revelation took place not in Spider-Man 2099, but in Captain Marvel about eight years later. The Maestro showed in that story arc as well.
Or how Fallen Angel? Sure, Lee is meant to be Linda Danvers, conplete with veiled references to the time she got knocked up by Pre-Crisis Superman, but he also had Sachs and Violens show up. They're characters from PAD's Marvel Epic miniseries in the 80's. Sachs turned out to the sister of the local Bete Noir madame.
Don't get me wrong, it's all good stuff (except Spider-Man 2099, really), but that's some serious self-reference.
8. I doubt Warren even cared.
9. Absolutely not. Vaughn writes everything in a twisty manner, and Cloak's bedside apology suggests there's more going on. Twisty is what we expect from Runaways.
10. Based on DSM, I'd say Maladaptive
11. Would you like to see Barbara Gordon become a costumed vigilante again (presumably as Batwoman)?
12. Bendix was obviously an evil **** from the beginning, or at least from the start of Ellis's run. That said, he was a lot more interesting than the telekinetic guy.
13. I would have care a bit more than Hawk. Stupid Hawk. Get a real cape, you loser!
14. Well, I did read all of JL Elite, so yes.
15. The Bleed. Also, Hypertime, the Speed Force, and it's one of Batman's plans.
16. No, but he shouldn't be shown to not age. *glares at *
17. Rasputin was a mutant: Bad idea. Rasputin as Colossus's ancestor: Worse idea. I'm completely sick of the Rasputin clan and their constant deaths.
18. Who was your favorite Suicide Squad member? Boomerang was a right fun bastard, and Oracle is way up there. Deadshot is great too, especially in his recent mini.
19. YES!!!
Holy Million Samoleeans, I was right!
"NRAMA: It appears that Captain Atom crash lands in the WSU complete with the new Alex Ross look. Is this the same Captain Atom from the beginning of the story or did we switch Captain Atoms along the way?
WP: It’s the same Captain Atom. Alex just liked that version of the costume, and wanted to draw it on his cover for issue 1. We figured that, during his trip between universes, one of the changes that occurred was his costume changed. The new look even mystifies him, making him feel that much less sure of himself and his place in the WildStorm Universe."
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