
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I See Infinity Before Me

Newsarama has scored George Perez's cover to Infinite Crisis #2. Encompassing 70 years of comic book history is a huge undertaking, but Perez manages it in style. Of note, the images seem to focus on the original Crisis on Infinite Earths as well as multiple versions of several characters, most prominently featuring the rocket flight of three different infant Supermen. I am very much looking forward to the rest of this series. There have been so many rumors concerning the changes that are pending that I, for one, am really hoping that the speculators are completely wrong and the story unfolds in an unexpected direction. At any rate, I'm certain we'll have much to discuss, rave and rant about in the DC Universe over the next six or so months.


At 10/27/2005 07:23:00 AM, Blogger Mark "Puff" Anderson said...

That is incredible.

George Perez is the Emperor of comic art.

He'd be the King, but we already have a king.


I am so looking forward to IC #2.



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