
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

RIP: The Hurricane

For the past four years, Gregory Helms, AKA the Hurricane in the WWE, has carried the torch for comic fans worldwide. That came to an end Monday night when Helms appeared sans his Hurricane mask, Hurricane costume, Hurricycle or any of his Hurripowers. Whatsupwiddat????

The WWE has a promo from Helms up on the "WWE Unlimited" portion of their site, which includes "bonus footage" filmed during commercial breaks. In his promo, he dumps his longtime "sidekick" Rosey, the former "Super Hero In Training," and says he's tired of being a joke. Looking at it from the outside, you have to wonder if maybe the WWE wanted to distance themselves from the word "hurricane" after everything that's happened this year.

Since his debut in the WWE after Vince McMahon bought out World Championship Wrestling, Helms, a longtime comic fan, has made many references to comic book characters, including Aquaman and Green Lantern (whose symbol is tattooed on his arm). He even gave Stone Cold Steve Austin a Green Lantern shirt as a gift during a skit. Heidi McDonald interviewed him for the Pulse a few years back. One quote sticks out:

No matter the hardships involved, when my music plays and I walk through the curtain and I see people cheering for me, the signs, people wearing my mask, and, hell, even if they don't like me, the adrenaline rush that comes with that can't be described. The feeling is awesome! That's the part I love the most.

Thanks for the memories, Hurricane.


At 11/04/2005 04:22:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hurricane why are you doing this
i am youre most biggest fan and ive
been try to find acostume of you
so please don't do this


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