
Friday, October 21, 2005

The Harvard Crimson on graphic novels, Ware, Burns

A nice piece previewing Chris Ware and Charles Burns' appearance on campus:

Comic books are for losers. The consumption of comic books should only be done ironically, like hoarding Pez dispensers. While watching movies is accepted, reading about superheroes is hopelessly square. The self-important Comic Book Guy from “The Simpsons” comes to mind.

And then there are graphic novels.

In the last few years, graphic novels have become the acceptably trendy cousin of comic books. The film version of Daniel Clowes’ nastily funny suburban epic “Ghost World” charmed the beautiful people and was nominated for an Academy Award in 2000. Graphic novels have gradually eked out their own section in every Barnes and Noble, a corner that is filled to bursting with intrigued readers of every age.


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