
Friday, October 07, 2005

20 Questions For You All for 10/5

I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...

1. Who here had "It will have no ending whatsoever and just work as literally as page -4 of Infinite Crisis #1" in the pool for "What will the ending of Rann/Thanagar War be?"?

2. Why can't Ian Churchill just draw like he does on the homage cover of the Supergirl #1 Third Printing?

3. Does Joshua Dysart HAVE a plan for Swamp Thing, or is he just biding time until cancellation?

4. Is the lack of plan HIS fault, or the fault of editorial? I am leaning towards the latter, myself.

5. No one remembers the Sensor Girl mystery enough to tell me who their guess was?!

6. If you like Mike Oeming's writing, that's totally cool, but if all you know him from is as the artist on Powers, why the heck would "From the co-creator of Powers" mean anything to you? It's like those ads that say "Directed by Academy Award winning actor so and so," yeah, you might be a fan of the actor's work AS AN ACTOR, but that really has no indication whatsoever that you will like their work as a director.

7. So, if you read X-Men Unlimited #11, how down are you about Billy Dallas Patton replacing Ferry on Mister Miracle?

8. Who is more surprising that Bongo got to do a Simpsons story together for their Halloween special? Gene Colan and Marv Wolfman or Bernie Wrightson and Len Wein?

9. Did you notice that, right after I mention the Supermen of America, Greg Rucka kills them off in OMAC Project #6? Makes you afraid to remind anyone of any older character, doesn't it?

10. Man, Ted Kord even made a better Bat-Signal! Doesn't everyone feel like such a jerk for being so mean to him? I think he also cured cancer or something...I am not sure.

11. I think that Phil Jiminez's love for Donna Troy is similar to the way Lenny loved the bunny, don't you think?

12. By the way, the two-page spread in Donna Troy #4, where Donna talks about her past lives...that couldn't have been written by a human, right? That had to have been written by some "horrible, horrible exposition" machine, right? Right?!?

13. Am I the only one who reads Gotham Central, when written by Rucka and Brubaker, and assigns credit to everything good to Brubaker and everything lame to Rucka? I know it is horribly unfair, but that is what I do. Ted Kord Bat-Signal? Rucka. Cool interrogation scene? Brubaker.

14. This leads to the follow-up question. Could Simon Lippman POSSIBLY be written by Rucka? No one is THAT self-involved, right? So it HAS to be Brubaker's idea, right? Right? RIGHT?!?!

15. Were you impressed at the boldness at the end of Exiles #4, from the Ultraverse? Or did it just irk you?


16. Who is Aquaman's arch-nemesis? Ocean Master or Black Manta?

17. When you hear the name Captain Marvel, who do you think of?

18. Who is a better reporter: Linda Park-West or Iris Allen?

19. Do you think Deadpool was based on Deathstroke?

20. Who do you think is/was the coolest DC character named Manhunter?

That's it for me!


At 10/07/2005 05:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Not my exact words, but the basics for what I expected from all the tie-ins. I also placed a side-bet on Inane Exposition that paid off nicely.

2) Because the Silver Age is bad. Except where it's good. Or something.

6) I suppose Oeming could have had some story input, or that his knowledge of visuals affect the storytelling as a whole. The real question is who to blame for Powers v2's various plotholes.

10) AND he built the magic plot device in OMAC Project #6. DC's making him useful again only in death so his fate seems more shocking. Personally, it's a cheap trick to built up a sacrficial lamb.

16) Gotta go with Ocean Master. An evil half-brother with similars is a better arch-nemesis than a black separatist with a fancy boat.

17) Lawsuits.

18) Iris is another of a long line of reporter girlfriends completely incapable of making basic deductions about their significant other. Linda may be just as stupid, but we don't have as much evidence.

19) Wait, so Rob Liefeld isn't completely original in his creation of characters?!?!! Yes, Wade Wilson is copied Slade Wilson, but Deadpool is still cooler.

20) Does J'onn count? If not, I'm picking E) None of The Above.


Okay, Kate. It's not a great series, but she's better than those damn robots.

At 10/07/2005 06:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


2. Because that would require effort, and an editor and writer that give a shit.

3. People are still reading Swamp Thing?

4. DC is still publishing Swamp Thing? I think the problem is that is was pitched as a mini and Diggle wasn't interested in continuing. DC should have left it there.

5. Well, I hadn't read the Legion back then, but now that I have, that beats anything Waid and Peyer wrote six ways from Sunday.

7. I was too busy Marveling at the utter I love Jean piece of fanwank that Chris Yost wrote to pay attention to the artwork. Jesus, grow up!

8. I'll go with Wrightson and Wein. And that was damned hilarious, too.

9. Greg Rucka should just give up, already. Warren Ellis will never think he's cool.

11. Nah, if I had to pick that analogy, I'd say Meltzer and Green Arrow. Not only does he make him a deadbeat dad, he also has him betray his principles completely with no regrets.

Jimenez is more like the guy you know who knows EVERYTHING about the character, and goes over it over and over and over and over again, but never has any INSIGHT into what it all means.

13. Don't ask me. I think both of them can't write superheroes at all well. And Gotham Central is just Homicide with the Joker as Mariner (to cite one example).

15. People actually read Ultraverse Exiles?

16. I'd say Black Manta. Is Ocean Master even around anymore?

17. The soon-to-be-ruined-by Ellis Monica Rambeau version, unless he said all that just to bait everyone, which makes him even more of a prick.

19. Does Ceasar not understand that joke CJ always tells about the pope shitting in the woods?

That said, he's had a better run of stories solo than Deathstroke did, boy howdy.

20. Paul Kirk, the one the only, baybee!

At 10/07/2005 09:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was able to guess that Dan Coyle was responding with his first answer. I spend too much time reading blog comment threads.

1. I didn't, becuase I was in the "Completely ignored the series because it was tied in to Infinite Crisis" pool. Which isn't much of a pool.

2. Because he's aping Liefeld and Lee and not Swann the rest of the time?

3. I'm not reading it, so I have no right to comment on it. That said, I'll posit that his plan is similar to the Underpants Gnomes on South Park anyway. Because that gag makes me laugh.

4. I'd say it's whoever commissioned another post-Moore Swamp Thing series. That's just asking for trouble.

5. Anything I say will only validate your question.

6. You mean on his writing gigs, I assume. And the only way I can answer that is that it's name recognition. Even if your liking his art work has nothing do with whether you'll like his writing, you might still be interested in his work if you know who he is and who he's worked with. And it's better copy than "the co-creator of Samurai Bastard" or whatever.

7. I just read Mister Miracle 1. The fact that Ferry's leaving is enough to make me down.

8. I find the fact that it's four fucking dollars more surprising than anything else. But I guess I'd say Wolfman and Colan, just because I'm always surprised to see Colan still doing work, although I could say the same thing about Wrightson.

9. It makes me think that you're saying that Rucka rewrote the issue after seeing your comment, forcing DC to manipulate time and space so the book could be redrawn and still ship on schedule. It also makes me wonder who the Supermen of America are.

10. If he's so smart, why is he dead? No, really, why is he dead?

11. Are you saying that Geoff Johns is going to have to snap his neck before the end of Infinite Crisis? That's pretty fucked up, Cronin.

12. Yes. If by that you mean Johns. Zing! I feel like ADD.

13. I attribute the good to Grant Morrison and the bad to Mark Millar. In everything. Including my lunch. Life's easier that way.

14. Uh, maybe.

15. I only bought the first issue of that series. Even at 12, I wouldn't mind their all dying. Boy, were they generic characters.

16. Black Manta, because I like his helmet. I'm not even sure I know who Ocean Master is. You always make me feel like an inadequate geek with this stuff.

17. Big Red Cheese.

18. All I remember about Linda as a reporter is that Kobra tried to kill her in the last issues of Waid's run that I have. I'll go with her, because if Dave Campbell has taught me anything, it's that Kobra is awesome.

19. He's a wholly original creation, like Ricky Rouse and Monald Muck!

20. If Paul Kirk is the one from the Goodwin/Simonson Manhunter, then him. That's some damn fine stuff.

At 10/09/2005 02:39:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.) I actually had "it will suck and I will not care at all about it." AND I WAS RIGHT! Pay up.

2.) Dear god, there was a third printing of Supergirl #1?

5.) I thought it was Supergirl. Levitz suckered me, I admit it.

9.) True, the Ruckinator seems to be on a spree lately. On the other hand, though, this isn't some forty-year-old character that I've seen pop up time and again in my years of reading funnybooks. They're the Supermen of America. They REALLY sucked. And hey, Rucka only killed like 3/4 of them in OMAC, so whichever one was the good character (there must have been one with potential, I can't remember) now has a battered history and can have their own title! Or whatever.

10.) Amazingly, after pissing me off by killing off the Blue Beetle, now they're making me hate him. This is truly some impressive stuff.

12.) I think Jimenez typed it out with a gun to his temple, weeping bitter tears.

15.) I thought it was kind of a dick move, really. I mean, good attention-getting stunt - that didn't work because the Ultraverse collapsed after, what, a year and a half? And then got bought out by Marvel? But I thought some of the Exiles were cool. Oh well.

16.) It's totally Manta. Ocean Master is tortured and occasionally feels guilty. Black Manta is a child-murdering bastard. Aquaman pities Ocean Master; he HATES Manta.

17.) Big Red Cheese.

18.) Lois Lane. TV reporters, whatever.

19.) A-duh.

20.) I'll go with Mark Shaw. He had style.

At 10/09/2005 06:13:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Not reading either, so no answer

2. Not having seen the cover, but I guess time and he is rather popular the way he draws now.

3. Not reading it.

4. Not reading it

5. I don't remember it.

6. Co-creator implies some storytelling imput to me, but that's just me. Remember how many people bought Black Pearl because Mark Hamill was writing it?

7. I haven't read X-men Unlimited 11, but I went to his homepage.. I won't drop the title because of it, but it's not my preferred artwork.

8. Gene and Marv.

9. Not really, but then again I have little emotional ties to many older DC characters.

10. What is the question?

11. Not reading it and too scared to touch it from reviews.

12. No comment.

13. Yes, you are. Go stand in the corner!

14. No comment.

15. Ah, one I have read: I was impressed by it, I was even more impressed by X-force 116. I wouldn't want it to be a regular thing for titles though.


16. Black Manta, cause he was on Superfriends.

17. Mar-Vell. Sorry, I'm just a Marvel junkie, I didn't even know of a DC Captain Marvel for years.

18. No comment, not reading Flash.

19. Looks and name: yes, but his personality isn't.

20. Paul Kirk, loved Robinson's Golden Age. But somebody may explain to me why the Manhunter-robots looked exactly like him.

At 10/09/2005 12:19:00 PM, Blogger Bill Reed said...

Because you demanded:

1. Probably me, though frankly I'm not paying attention to Crisis at all.

2. Oh, Churchill did that? Hmm.

3. It'll probably be cancelled by 30, so... time-biding.

4. "What? We can't have interesting Swamp Thing comics!"

5. Sensor who?

6. I love his art. I don't care for his writing.

7. I only saw the preview pages for X-Men, but the art was... uggh.

8. Wein and Wrightston.

9. Spooky.

10. No, it was just polio. That Salk guy got all the credit.

11. I have no idea what this means.

12. Why the hell did you buy that?!?

13. That's what I do. And it's why I'm dropping the title.

14. *shrug*

15. I don't know what you're referring to...


16. Black Manta. He killed the guy's son and turned his wife and sidekick against him. And then got killed by Aquaman in return. That's way more evil than Ocean Master, who, um, shows up to be annoying.

17. Billy Batson.

18. Oh, snap.

19. Duh. Slade Wilson... Wade Wilson... I'ma come up with my own guy, Killpond, and name him Suede Wilson.

20. J'onn J'onzz. Heheh.

At 10/09/2005 01:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10/09/2005 01:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Not only did I think that Rann-Thanagar would be pg. 4 of the Infinite Crisis rather than a self-contained story, I think Infinite Crisis will just be page 4 of One Year Later, which will just be the beginning of a bigger 5 year storyline. I really think DC plans to just make it's publishing line one nonstop crossover without breaks.

6. Well, it depends how collaborative Oeming's work as artist is. If Bendis works full-script and even outlines each panel, then a book written by his artist is meaningless. But in the case of Tim Sale, for instance, I would buy a book written by him based on his collaborations with Jeph Loeb because his storytelling somehow makes Loeb's stories almost readable, so I know he must be an EXTRA-brilliant writer to accomplish that.

14. Based on the 2 issues of Rucka writing I've read and reviewed on my blog, I think no one does obnoxiously self-absorbed like Rucka does.

At 10/09/2005 05:41:00 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

1. I should have had that. They couldn't have made it clearer by failing to end the Adam Strange mini that preceded it. But, no, they got me again. I was actually expecting a, you know, story, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. All of the REALLY GREAT comic book stories have 'em. You'd think they'd figure that out by now.

2. Because the Silver Age is dead. This cover proves it, since we now know that they COULD draw like that if they WANTED to.

3. I'm with Dan Coyle. They still publish Swamp Thing?

4. See #3.

5. Yeah, I thought it was Supergirl, just as I was meant to.

6. Who?

7. Who?

8. Wein and Wrightson. What's more surprising is that nobody else seems to want any of these people.

9. Who?

10. Ted Kord made the Bat-Signal? Well, I guess somebody had to.

11. Lenny? Bunny? Who?

12. Fits right in with issues 1-3, don't you think?

13. I'm beginning to think that only editors actually write plots, and all "writers" do is script dialog.

14. Who?

15. Who?

16. Ocean Master.

17. Gomer Pyle.

18. Linda Park-West, who doesn't have future knowledge to draw upon.

19. Why, no, there's absolutely no resemblance. Please.

20. J'onn J'onzz.

At 10/09/2005 08:49:00 PM, Blogger thekelvingreen said...

2.Because it's the 90's again, and anorexic teenage superheroes with flimsy ankles and slack jaws were hot back then, er, now.

13.Lifting the entire scene from Powers? Rucka? Brubaker?

17.Monica Rambeau. Photon. Pulsar. Whatever Nicieza and Ellis are calling her this week.

19.Originally, yes, but he's better now, thanks.

20.The Martian one.

Was I supposed to be more snarky?

At 10/09/2005 09:02:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Didn't read it, dave gibbons writing eh...

2. Exactly what I said to my boss when i saw it. Turner ABs suck

6. It's like the makers who brought you....and it turns out to be the producer or the director acting as a producer.

7. SHIT!

9. Meh I don;t care so much, just leave Diana Alone

10. He had a nice costume...

11. Leave Diana Alone PJ!

12. Leave Diana ALONE! Donna is too disco for DC.

13. Rucka had Half a life?

14. Wasn't brubaker the guy who got arrested int he last issue?


17. the guy who's blue and red int he marvel universe, even though i knowit should be shazam! since i know marvel can go screw itself.

18. Linda

19. No

20. Jonn Jonzz

At 10/10/2005 12:29:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Dunno, don't care.
2. Because that cover is a homage/parody, although come to think of it his usual style is also a homage/parody, so I don't know.
3. Dunno, don't care.
4. Dunno, don't care.
5. Dunno. I know this has something to do with the LEGION, but I wasn't reading it at the time.
6. It means nothing to me.
7. I've never read X-Men Unlimited. I am bummed out that Morrison is getting screwed over by DC every chance they get though. I get the feeling everyone in the industry on a professional basis hates Morrison. Note the lack of awards, the effort put into invalidating everything he's worked on as soon as he leaves a title, etc...
8. Neither. I figure each of these teams could use the work and will take any assignment they get. Food isn't free y'know. Not even for sixty year old men who worked on comic books during the Vietnam War.
9. No.
10. No.
11. No.
12. No. Put the blame where the blame lies.
13. I don't like Brubaker's writing, but I hate Rucka's more. I think your suspicion is warranted and fair to the point of objectivity.
14. I don't know who this Lippman character is. Assume it's from Gotham Central, but I dropped the book early. As cop stories go I preferred Top 10.
15. Never read it.
16. I think Ocean Master was designed to be the arch-nemesis, but Black Manta came out of nowhere and trumped him.
17. Nohvarr. That's only with my hopes up though, and usually aware that Billy Batson is the correct answer.
18. Have we seen either of these characters do any reporting? I'll say Iris Allen. She wrote a book about the Flash, suitable enough for Eobard Thawne to use as the primary source document for information.
19. Not based on. More like "parody of".
20. Paul Kirk. His story was the best part of THE GOLDEN AGE.

At 10/11/2005 10:58:00 AM, Blogger joncormier said...

1. This series proves that war is pointless.

2. He's pressed for time.

3. Plan.

4. Isn't editorial the spawn of the devil and make it their job to ruin whatever a writer writes? Oh, no, it's to try and remove offensive or, to them, confusing bits to sell more books - or something.

5. I have no idea what you're talking about here so I can't answer.

6. Is this a question?

7. Haven't bought an X-book in over a year and idiot that I am haven't been following SSOV so am now "waiting for the trade" like a chump.

8. I'll go with Bongo.

9 Also the Demolision Crew (or whatever they're called) they were was donated to Marvel by The Absorbascon and were killed of.

10. There is nothing this guy can't build retro-actively.

11. Sure.

12. I'm voting for a 1000 chimps at a 1000 typewriters.

13. It's you.

14. It's possible.

15. Didn't read it.

16. Black Manta.

17. Shazam.

18. Who cares?

19. No.

20. John J'onzz

At 10/16/2005 04:41:00 PM, Blogger Alex Segura said...

Slade Wilson/Wade Wilson. You be the judge.


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