
Tuesday, April 05, 2005

DC, The Real House of Ideas

Now, I'll start by saying that I haven't read Countdown in its entirety, nor to I plan on it. I flipped through it, and have read enough reviews on the thing to know what it's about (by the way, here's a handy round up of reviews for it). Apparently, it's time for yet another "This Time Everything Changes" storyline that the DC tends to crap out every few years (and more frequently lately) or so to boost sales. In fact, if you think this is the dumbest thing ever to come out of DC, it's up against some stiff competition:

Storyline: The Death of Superman
Summary: Superman dies. He gets better, complete with a ridiculous hairdo. Status quo changed... until he cuts his hair.
Effect: Lots and LOTS of people buy Death of Superman comic and believe that one day it will finance their kids' college education. That doesn't exactly pan out. Then of course, the effect that all of us are the most pleased with, the rush for all superheroes to die, change or be replaced. Such as...

Storyline: Knightfall
Summary: Batman has his back broken, proving that those professional wrestlers should be in worse shape after having similar moves performed on them in the ring. Batman mantle handed over to Azrael, who dons a shiny yellow and blue armored suit (but keeps the spandex pants), to blend in with the darkness of night no doubt. Oh and Bruce Wayne gets better and becomes Batman again.
Effect: Bruce Wayne proves to paralyzed people everywhere that wheelchairs and immobility are for sissies and that you too can become a masked avenger of the night if you put your mind to it. Oh, and he gets a darker costume.

Storyline:Emerald Twlight
Summary: Hal Jordan goes nuts and some other stuff. Oh and Kyle Rayner is chosen as the new Green Lantern. He remains a popular character for a while until people remember that they don't like Green Lantern.
Effect: Actually, this one changed the status quo permanently. Well, until Hal Jordan was brought back as Green Lantern that is. But first he had to endure such gems as become as super villian intent on becoming God, then eventually becoming God's own spirit of vengeance. Apparently in the DC Universe, God doesn't have a long memory. Oh and Ron Marz receives death threats.

Storyline:Um, Aquaman's Hand Gets Eaten. Years Later He Dies. Sort Of.
Summary: Aquaman, permanent joke of the DC Universe, proves that he can't even do his one job of talking to fish properly, and has his hand eaten by pirahna. He responds by giving into his subconscious hatred for marine life by grafting the archenemy of all fish onto his new stub, the harpoon. Oh and he grows long hair and a beard. A few years later, he is "killed" in the Worlds At War crossover. He gets better. Oh and his hand returns, sort of.
Effect: Aquaman still a joke.

Then of course there's the death and return of Green Arrow (from heaven no less). The sweeping under the rug and return of Hawkman. At last count, Flash has died and returned due to love about 27 times. Donna Troy was killed, people pretended to care or even know who she was, and she's due to return soon.

So in reality, DC isn't really changing what they've been doing all along. It's another lousy story, another attempt at change that no one wants, and another eventual return to status quo. This time, however, it's done as a metaphor for the last 15 years or so of DC Comics: Killing the fun left in their universe.


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