Abhay: DC Countdown mocking go!
Oh man. This cracked me up. Over at Comics Community, Abhay lets rip on DC's Infinite Countdown to Identity Crisis Zero War of the Millenium Gods. Here's a tease:
Am i supposed to like blue beetle? the whole comic's theme so far is 'this guy is a loser-- a girl won't fuck him.' aaah, see how far the v-word goes into the comic psyche-- that's how they convey that blue beetle is wretched-- cause they show a girl who doesn't want to fuck him...so far the theme of the comic is (a) blue beetle sucks, and (b) batman is an asshole...Damn! And there's more! Go read!
And if that first bit didn't make you click, read this!
awesome dialogue #a million: "green arrow and hawkman steer clear of one another. like two dogs marking out their territory." uh: dogs do that with URINE!!! unless this turns into the BEST COMIC EVER and we get to finally see some superhero urination action... i think that's ... pretty fucking ridiculous.
Ah, nice.
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