Shooting War team throws a party in NYC
Smith Magazine is throwing a launch party for their new online graphic novel Shooting War, "the first graphic novel about the war in Iraq," and you're invited:
I hope you’ll join SMITH Magazine, writer Anthony Lappé and artist Dan Goldman this coming Tuesday, June 6, at Sutra Lounge, 16 First Ave (btwn 1st & 2nd St.)) for the launch party for Shooting War, the first graphic novel about the war in Iraq, delivered exclusively each week on SMITH. There will a kicking DJ and drink specials between 6 and 10 p.m. No RSVP necessary, just show up.
Artist Dan Goldman, who is also one of the ACT-I-VATE crew, wrote us to let us know they'll have "projected video of my unlettered artwork running as DJ Gringo Star does what DJs do." Drinks, a DJ and comic art on the walls ... sounds like an awesome Tuesday night.
And if you don't live in the New York area, you can still check out Shooting War online. Goldman told us a little about the project: SW is a collaboration between myself and writer (journalist/documentarian/editor of Guerrilla News Network) Anthony Lappé that tells the story of embedded US blogger Jimmy Burns as he shoots HD video in civil war-torn post-Bush Iraq for an exploitative 24-hour terror coverage American news network in the year 2011.
You can read more about it over at Newsarama. The story is being serialized on SMITH magazine's website for eight weeks for free, with week four appearing on Monday. The self-contained story posted on the site serves as a "demo tape" to attract publishers for a full-color print graphic novel; the 40+ page piece will serve as the introduction in the final book.
Go check it out.
Shooting War, the first graphic novel about the war in Iraq...
Um...except that it's not. Suck as it might have, Marvel's Combat Zone holds the claim to that particular title. Even snagged itself a Harvey nomination, which effectively puts a Barry Bonds-style asterisk on this year's batch of nominees!
Shooting War still has a chance to be the first GOOD graphic novel about the war in Iraq, though. Feels like a grittier DMZ with a more appealing lead.
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