20 Questions For You All For the 4/5 Comic Week
I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...
1. So, just your opinion, do you think the copyright thing factored into Superboy's death at all?
2. Please note that Infinite Crisis clearly was not designed to be read by readers new to the DC Universe. However, even with that in mind, do you think Superboy was developed enough in the first six issues for his death to be meaningful?
3. WAS there a secret identity revelation for Hobgoblin that WOULDN'T diminish the character overall?
4. Marvin and Wendy - fun or hokey? I vote fun!!!
5. Until Barracuda (who rules, by the way! What a great job Ennis and Phillips are doing on this storyline), who was the last cool Punisher villain? The Russian?
6. Before the RUSSIAN, who was the last cool Punisher villain? Jigsaw?
7. Anyone able to pick up Winter Men right from where it left off without any confusion? If you say yes, you're lying.
8. YOU MAKE THE CALL - Did Rucka always intend on reverting Sasha back to human?
9. What's Kia Asamiya up to?
10. What was the ratio of expositionary dialogue to actual dialogue in the latest Young Avengers? I vote 11:1
11. How cool would it be if the situation at the end of Marvel Zombies showed up in the regular Marvel Universe?
12. DID Roy Thomas ever explain where the Avengers were when Galactus first showed up? If not, he was slacking off on the job!
13. Isn't Wendy "WW" Weatherbee a cool idea for a character? Weatherbee's niece! What a neat idea!
14. Anyone know who invented Wendy Weatherbee? Or when she was introduced?
15. Who do you think will be the couple that joins the Fantastic Four? It's gotta be Black Panther and Storm, no?
16. Which licensed property by Marvel was cooler? Godzilla or Rom?
17. Would Flag-Smasher's head explode if he fought Solo, the Man Without a Country?
18. When the culling occurs, who should be spared? Thunder or Grace?
19. Who's a better detective? Elongated Man or Archer from Ruse?
20. Which lower level Batman villain would irk you the most if they were killed off during this current Batman storyline?
1. Yes. The logical sacrifice to put there would be Old Superman; between the scheduling snafus, the substitute artists and what appears to have been a cover change, I suspect a last-minute switch.
2. No.
3. Uncle Ben!
6. Jigsaw is the last Punisher villain whose name I can even remember.
8. Didn't even flip through it at the store this time.
11. It would actually be pretty dumb.
12. See, Roy Thomas was Geoff Johns before being Geoff Johns was cool.
15. It's just so stupid, it has to happen!
16. Godzilla.
18. I'll say neither - just to stick it to the Thunder fans. Suck it, Thunder!
19. I'll say Batman - just to piss off the Ralph Dibny fans. Suck it, Dibny!
20. They already broke my heart with Scarface. He was too sweet for this world.
1. Perhaps. But with Supergirl back, I think there may be the idea that the Superman family shouldn't be as numerous as the Batman family has been. Also, I've heard that they may be bringing back the idea that Superman spent some time as a 'Superboy' when he was a kid (even if they can't call him that). This makes Conner a little more redundant.
2. As someone who's just getting a few comics a month after a long absence from comics, I can't say I found the character appealing in the few issues he appeared.
9. He's currently working on a manga about girls and cars (from what I can gather) titled Kanojo No Carrera... his recent superhero manga Junk is due to appear in English from... someone (I don't think the license holder has been announced) later this year.
1. The book's been delayed several times. What do you think?
2. I have no idea, but I'm gonna say... yeah.
3. I have no problem w/the Kingsley reveal.
4. Fun... as long as they're kept in the background. We don't need another Extreme Justice incident.
6. Yo-Yo?
8. You actually read a Greg Rucka book? in 2006?
11. Give it time- look how well the book sold!
12. Hmmm, I don't think he ever did! WOW!
13. I agree.
15. Huh?
17. Aren't they both dead?
18. Grace.
19. EM.
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