20 Questions For You All For 2005!
I am sure there are some spoilers involved in the following 20 questions. Feel free to answer or not - some of them ARE rhetorical, after all...
1. What do you think was the best single comic that you read this past year?
2. What was the best use of the "kill off an established character for shock value" routine this year?
3. What was your favorite Seven Soldiers book this year, and why?
4. JAN: For those of you who did NOT buy Breach, would you have bought it if it stayed a Captain Atom reboot?
5. FEB: With the release of Runaways Volume 2, do you think the decision to make Alex the traitor was a good one?
6. MAR: What was the goofiest analogy in Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1? Was it ""Green Arrow and Hawkman steer clear of one another. Like two dogs marking out their territory."? Was it "Everyone she flies past can't help but stare. It's like she's carved out of glowing gold."? Was it "[Fawcett City:] It's so clean. Old fashioned. A shiny dime. Sort of like the hero that protects it."? Or was it another analogy?
7. APR: After reading Adam Strange this month, was your reaction more irritation at the downturn in quality of the series or sympathy for Andy Diggle at having to rewrite the ending of his series to fit in with Infinite Crisis? I pick the second choice.
8. MAY: Was there a more gripping superhero comic released in 2005 than this month's JLA Classified #8 (Tora in Hell)?
9. JUN: Darwyn Cooke's SOLO came out this month. What was your favorite SOLO of the year?
10. JUL: How awesome were the Serenity covers for the Serenity mini-series that began this month? I mean, JG Jones? John Cassaday? Leinil Francis Yu? Joe Quesada? Bryan Hitch? Sean Phillips? Joshua Middleton? Tim Bradstreet? Jo Chen? I think you could make a comic book Serpentor out of all those people!!
11. AUG: Can you think of a book this year that was as much of a delightful surprise as this month's Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1? Talk about putting your whole ass into something out of nowhere!!
12. SEP: How cool was it to see a book like Fell #1 this month that was not just a good comic book (which is the number one priority), but also an actual NEW way of doing a comic book?
13. OCT: Outside of a chromium cover, can you think of a odder way to launch a new ongoing title than as part one of a twelve part crossover, like Marvel did with Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1?
14. NOV: Do you think the pre-Infinite Crisis DC Universe is, as Kal-L put it in this month's Infinite Crisis #2, "joyless"?
15. DEC: What did you think of the death in Deadly Genesis #2? Cool? Lame? Some variation thereof?
16. Did you like the Ronin revelation?
17. Did you know who Ronin was when Ronin was revealed?
18. Which company did you buy more books from in 2005: DC or Marvel?
19. Which company did you buy more books from in 2005: Dark Horse or Image?
20. If the Outsiders were stranded together somewhere remote and forced to become cannibals to survive, who would they eat first?
1. Hard one, maybe one of Brubaker Captain A ? Great series, maybe something form Infinite Crisis ?
2 Ted Kord in Countdown.
3. Guardian maybe ? i heard that Frankenstein was cool, but haven't read it.
4. Nah don't know, don't care,
5. Yeah it was cool, hardcore and fun.
6. The last one you mentioned :D heh funny
8. Countdown made me all sad...but that ish of Clasified was really good.
9 June one :D p.s read New Frontier!
10. Yeah some were cool, but don't care but Serenity
11. Heh it was nice, i have to say :D
12 Very cool. and it is still good, and still a new way of making comic book
13. yeah variant covers..oh wait...
14. Nah he has a really weird point of looking on our universe
15. Have to say..bah medicore, but i have faith in Brubaker
16 Nah
17 Yeah
18 DC i think (damn you DC!! :P
19 Image,
20 ummm Nightwing ?? :D
1. JLA Classified #8
2. None of them.
3. Zatanna, because I love the character. But she really didn't do much in her own comic, did she?
4. Only if it starred Ronnie Raymond. ;) They should get Giffen make a buddy comic with Firestorm and Captain Atom.
6. Gotta go with the Starfire description.
7. I pick number 2.
8. No. See #1 above. '
9. Don't read it, unforuntately.
10. Pretty damn cool!
13. Yes, 12 part crossover WITH chromium covers.
14. Ask Ted Kord.
16. Who?
17. What?
18. DC
19. Dark Horse
20. Not Starfire. Arsenal looks good, though: he's been beat up enough in that comic that he should be pretty tender. Is Lian there, too? If so, I always go for the baby-eating!
1. Geez, that's tough. Does the Black Hole collection count? Probably not, but that's my vote. If I have to go with a single monthly comic, Local #1.
2. Mimic in Exiles. If he's really dead.
3. Zatanna, because I love the character and the crazy shit Grant put her through. Plus it dissed the overhyped/overused mindwipe stuff.
4. No.
5. Yes. Those kinds of twists and turns helped make the first series so friggin' awesome.
6. I think goofy analogies, in that context, make sense ... since Kal-L is probably pretty goofy himself.
7. I pick the second choice as well. It was unsatisfying in a "kissing your sister" manner.
8. Didn't read it.
9. Mike Allred
10. Mad props for the GI Joe reference.
11. Um, I'm not sure I understand the "ass" part of the question.
12. Plus it made it into the top 100 books. This book kicks it.
13. By odd do you mean aggravating?
14. Yes.
15. Lame. They should have killed Iceman instead.
16. No. It made no sense. Why would Echo need to dress up and hide her identity when no one knows who she is anyway? Matt Murdock, sure, but Echo ...?
17. Yes. Damn internet!
18. Hard to say ... it was close. I would have to go count.
19. Probably Image. The only regular titles I get from Dark Horse are Usagi and Goon.
20. Judd Winnick
1. Without a doubt, Shaolin Cowboy #2. "Everyone you spared, I killed. Everyone you killed, I tried to spare!"
2. Slaughter of Freedom Force in Infinite Crisis #1.
3. Seven Soldiers #0, since it was bursting with beauty and ideas. It made me feel all warm and gooey inside, and had the best art of JH Williams' career.
4. No. I wasn't really interested in seeing Harras return to comics.
6. How about this: Maxwell Lord is Warren Ellis of the "Come in Alone" era, makeing Johnuckanick feel guilty about liking superheroes. He's a meta, but be can be trusted.
7. The second, though I think it still works okay. It was a fun book.
9. Jordi Bernet, which featured the best Joe Kelly story in years.
11. Er... I thought the book was good too?
14. I'm sure Mark Waid does. But that's his fuckin' problem, not ours.
15. My main thought was, "Wow, Hairsine's so slow he only laid out issue #2 and it looked BETTER than it would have if he'd penciled it!"
16. I guess. I could chalk it up to editorial interference, but how many months in advance was that DeFalco Avengers book written? And had Marvel Team-Up Starring Emma Frost and the Sentry had run three issues as originally planned (and given the events of the story I don't know why it didn't) it wouldn't have been spoiled by the book.
17. Yes.
18. Marvel.
19. Image.
20. Jess Lemon.
1. Marvel Monsters: Monsters on the Prowl
2. Killing off characters has completely lost any shock value for me.
3. Zatanna. Fishnets. And the way it followed up on the consequences of her role in Identity Crisis.
4. No.
5. It still makes good sense for that story, but the book is weaker without him. Not that it's a weak book now, just weaker for his absence.
7. Neither. I liked it all the way through.
9. #7: Allred's. Also one of my Top Two favorite comics for the year.
10. The tpb better collect all the covers. Just sayin'.
12. Very very cool. I'm not a fan of all of Ellis's writing, but I love Fell and have a ton of respect for the thought he puts into making this industry better.
13. What Blessed Irish Bastard said.
14. More or less. The post-Identity Crisis/pre-Infinite Crisis universe certainly is. But before Identity, it wasn't as bad as Earth-2 Supes is making out. Except for Batman's corner of it.
15. Someone died? *checks issue* Oh, yeah. Whatever.
16. Not at all.
17. Yes. She's the character that made me bored with Daredevil.
18. DC.
19. Image.
Alright. I shall take your challenge.
1. Seven Soldiers #0.
2. Probably none of them. Maybe Grant offing Vigilante. But, then, who cares?
3. Tough one. Klarion maybe overall best, but the last two issues of Guardian kicked mega-arse.
4. Probably not.
5. I honestly don't care.
6. All the dialogue in that thing sucked. Mega-arse.
7. Oh, right. Well, I forgot to read that series.
8. I loved that issue. Mmm. Then again, I had forgotten that whole arc came out. Crap. So much for our CSBG year in review.
9. Cooke's. I still haven't finished reading Allred's, tho.
10. Serpenwhat?
11. Didn't read it.
12. Fell is cool, yes.
13. It could've been part three.
14. I think the DCU's been joyless for a while. And it is right now. And it probably will be until some of the writers get the hell out of Dodge.
15. Don't read it, and don't care.
16. Also didn't care.
17. Yes.
18. Hmm. DC, probably. I mean, they've got Morrison.
19. Image. The only Dark Horse comic I got was a 25-Cent Goon which I never read. It looked incomprehensible.
20. Probably Arsenal. Hopefully Jade. ...is she even still on that team?
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