
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

What 6/2 Comics I Would Recommend

Spoilers ahead!!

Seven Soldiers: Zatanna #2

I liked the first issue of Zatanna, but I was not overwhelmed with it. I thought it was a bit like Promethea-lite.

However, Morrison completely redeems himself with Zatanna #2, which contains some a-MAY-zing art from Ryan Sook.

In this issue, we see Zatanna (along with her apprentice and reworked DC classic character Cassandra Craft...isn't alliteration awesome?) deal with the shapeshifting villain introduced last issue.

This comic is just overflowing with wit and whimsy, and just enough of a spark to really make the issue shine.

Little things like Sook drawing the shapeshifting villain into the backgrounds of panels as various things (water, dust, etc.) and then the big reveal, when the villain reveals itsself as letters in a book!

How trippy (yet cool) is that?!?

What a great issue, and the ending suggest more greatness to come.

The Walking Dead #19

Kirkman's one motto with this book has always been "the only thing consistent is change," and in this issue, while less of a big status quo change, there IS a "shocking" decision by a character that definitely causes you to look differently at the character, but at the same time, does it really make the character a different person?

Such is the things that good stories are made up out of.

In any event, there is also a ton of awesome action (with a GREAT resolution of the cliffhanger from last issue) and the introduction of a mysterious, but awesome looking new character.

Finally, the cover from Moore is as eye-catching as ever, and Adlard does a very good job on the interiors.

The Pact #2

I sure don't like to repeat myself...hehe.

Ororo: Before The Storm #1

Really, no need to repeat myself.

Y The Last Man #34

I have really been impressed by Goran Sudzuka's artwork on this storyline.

The story also proceeds nicely, with the typical Y The Last Man flair.

It takes an interesting situation (drug trade) and looks at how it would be changed if all the men died.

Plus, Vaughan makes sure to make all the character's motivations appear unclear, and has the characters disagree without making any of them look unreasonable.

And with a great, story-derived cliffhanger...this is just a solid work of comic book writing.

I haven't read Invincible #23 or Smoke #1 yet, so I can't comment on them...but I bet they're both good...hehe.

The following comics I liked well enough, but I would not go as far as to say I recommend them:

Villains United #2
- Fun enough story, with some cool Catman/Deadshot scenes (although, what scenes with Deadshot AREN'T cool? He rules), but it was a bit too plot-heavy for my tastes. Very much a crossover comic.

Blood of the Demon #4 - A nice return to form for this title. If #5 keeps it up, I will feel safe recommending this title again.

Intimates #8 - A good character introspection issue, but I think new readers would feel a bit lost.

Marvel Team-Up #9 - I love how Kirkamn really likes Sleepwalker...toooo funny. This was a good fact, I probably should have recommended it. Ah well.

That's it for me...what did y'all think of the week that was?

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