
Sunday, January 16, 2005

Mr. Young, We're Listening

We at TGC are fairly well exhausted after covering the Clugston-Lohan growing feud 24/7 the past 23 hours or so, and sadly in this ever-spinning out of control breaking news cycle we may have found ourselves losing perspective.

Fortunately, in the comments thread, Larry Young brought us back to reality.

In all honesty, Mr. Young, I did a quick google search to see if there was some news item on the AiT/Planet Lar that I could mention here at TGC, partially in jest and in answer to your post.

I was pleasantly surprised to say I was quite taken with the AiT/Planet Lar blog and felt kind of foolish that I had not run across it before. If you're as ignorant as I seemingly am, do yourself a favor and check out the info available one click away.

And while I can be accused of sometimes having DC/Marvel tunnel vision, hopefully Tom Beland will back me up and say I've covered him before.

Back on message, TGC is only as good as the feedback we receive from the readers. If we get too negative from your perspective, let us know. If we're blowing too much sunshine up some creator's random orifice, flag that as well. And if there's something this blog needs to be doing more of or better (or less of, for that matter), we're only one comment post or e-mail away. And, trust me, we're listening--no matter if you're a major independent industry voice or the average person plunking down your hard-earned cash for bound sequential art.


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