
Saturday, December 18, 2004

Be Vewy Vewy Quitely

Okay, there are two different Newsarama links involved in this story. By clicking on the title, you will be taken to the article announcing Frank Quitely's exclusive contract DC, while this link quotes Wizard as saying that Quitely and Grant Morrison will be working on Superman together.

“I've been offered an exclusive on a number of occasions in the past, but I've always been more interested in keeping my options open, but this time it looks like being on an exclusive is actually going to suit me,” Quitely told Newsarama when asked what went into his decision making process when DC made the offer.

I'm happy for DC with this one, Quitely's very popular, but I have my doubts. His work is often late and it always looks...crumbly to me.

“I'll probably do bits and pieces of other things as well from time to time, covers, for example, but there's something very specific that this is all set up for,” Quitely said. “As for scheduling, the first and second issues of We3, which was scheduled as being bi-monthly, came out on time, I think, and this third one is nearly done, which means it'll be coming out mid-January, which I think is nearly a month late.

While he never actually mentions working on Superman, fan buzz was mounting even before the Wizard announcement. There is talk about Ultimate forms of DC characters, but who knows, those are just rumours. What do you think about Ultimatizing the DC books?


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